Blended LearningInternational

Presentasi Blended Learning di London

foto-icdle-2016Perkembangan teknologi informasi memberi kemudahan akses ilmu pengetahuan dan perluasan pendidikan melalui online learning. Sementara itu, pembelajaran tatap muka juga tidak bisa ditinggalkan karena kebutuhan kompetensi motorik dan penguatan pendidikan karakter. Blended Learning (BL) merupakan penggabungan aspek-aspek terbaik dari pembelajaran online dan tatap muka.

Topik itulah yang dipresentasikan Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono dalam ajang The 7th International Conference on Distance Learning and Education (ICDLE 2016) di London, Inggris pada tanggal 29 sd 31 Oktober 2016. Dalam kesempatan tersebut Herman yang merupakan dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Informatika FT UNY menyajikan paper yang berjudul: The Implementation of Blended Learning in Multimedia Courses for Undergraduate Students in Indonesia.

Terdapat 62 judul makalah dari 15 negara untuk dipresentasikan dalam kesempatan tersebut. Selain disajikan secara lisan, makalah yang lolos seleksi ini juga akan diterbitkan dalam International Journal of Information and Education Technology yang merupakan jurnal internasional bergensi yang diindex oleh EI (INSPEC, IET), Cabell’s Directories, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Crossref and ProQuest.

Ketua Prodi (Kaprodi) S2 Teknologi Pembelajaran PPs UNY itu menyebut bahwa topik tersebut merupakan lanjutan penelitian tentang e-learning yang telah dimanfaatkan di UNY. Kali ini dia mengkombinasikan e-learning Besmart dengan pembelajaran tatap muka, sehingga diperoleh keuntungan akses materi pembelajaran kapan pun dan dari manapun serta terpenuhinya penguasaan kompetensi praktik dan penanaman pendidikan karakter melalui disiplin dan contoh perilaku oleh dosen. Di samping itu, melalui BL mahasiswa dapat lebih leluasa dalam berkomunikasi dengan dosen dan sesama mahasiswa.

Senior member International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) sejak 2011 itu merasa bangga dapat tampil di forum skala internasional tersebut dengan membawa nama UNY. Sebab, dengan demikian, nama UNY semakin dikenal di kancah internasional. Tidak hanya itu, pada ICDLE 2016 ini Herman juga mendapat berbagai manfaat lain. Salah satunya kesempatan bekerjasama dan menambah jaringan penelitian dari luar negeri.

ICDLE 2016 dihelat di University of Hertfordshire, UK atas kerjasama the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) dan International Journal of Information and Education Technology. Kegiatan tahunan tersebut dimaksudkan sebagai sarana bagi para researchers, scientists, engineers, dan scholar untuk bertukar pikiran dan menyajikan hasil penelitian, ide baru serta pengalaman yang berkaitan dengan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh, Teknologi Pembelajaran, dan E-learning.

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The development in information technology has provided convenient access of science and the expansion of education through online learning. Meanwhile, face-to-face learning cannot be abandoned because of the needs of motor competence and the strengthening of character education. Blended Learning (BL) is an amalgamation of the best aspects of online learning and face-to-face learning.

This is the topic that was presented by the lecturer of Information Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering YSU, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono in the arena of the 7th International Conference on Distance Learning and Education (ICDLE 2016) in London, England (29-31 / 10). On this occasion, Herman presented a paper entitled: The Implementation of Blended Learning in Multimedia Courses for Undergraduate Students in Indonesia.

There are 62 titles of papers from 15 countries to be presented at the occasion. Besides presented orally, papers that passed the selection will also be published in the International Journal of Information and Education Technology which is an international journal indexed by EI (INSPEC, IET), Cabell’s Directories, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Engineering & Technology Digital Library , EBSCO, Google Scholar, CrossRef and ProQuest.

In a separated occasion, the head of Learning Technology Study Program, Graduate School YSU mentioned that the topic is a continuation of research on e-learning that has been utilized in YSU. This activity is a combination of Besmart e-learning to-face learning, in order to obtain access of learning materials anytime and from anywhere as well as the fulfilment of competencies practices mastery and the establishing of character education through discipline and example of behaviour by lecturers. In addition, through BL, students can be more flexible in communicating with faculty and fellow students.

Herman who is also a senior member of the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) since 2011 is proud to present on the international forum by elevating the name of YSU. “May the name of YSU is increasingly recognized in the international arena,” he hoped.

ICDLE 2016 held at the University of Hertfordshire, UK for the cooperation of the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) and the International Journal of Information and Education Technology. The annual event is intended as a means for researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholars to exchange ideas and present research results, new ideas and experiences related to Distance Learning, Instructional Technology, and E-learning.

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I am a leacturer at Yogakarta State University