• Norma wrote a new post on the site 13 years ago

    Norma wrote a new blog post: %s

    in last few days,,,,
    I felt uncomfortable because of the situation around me
    always try to entertain myself by doing anything I want
    listening my favorite songs, watching movie, hanging out with my friend,,,,
    so far… it works even not really comfort me much,,,,
    but I remember a proverb that says : “instead of counting the day make each […]

  • Norma wrote a new post on the site 13 years ago

    Norma wrote a new blog post: %s


  • Norma wrote a new post on the site 13 years ago

    Norma wrote a new blog post: love this song…. %s

  • Norma wrote a new post on the site 13 years ago

    Norma wrote a new blog post: %s

    setelah menunggu satu sesi akhirnya dapet account email bwt modal bikin blog,,,hehehehe….

  • always think simple became a registered member 13 years ago