
Starting my doctorate study

It was in 2002 when my doctorate study just started. I was wondering if I could survive in a high standard of academic atmosphere that normally happens in western universities. Oh yes and more importantly, if I could finish up my study successfully. Not only must I complete all academic tasks, but also make my family enjoy their adventures in a culturally different country. Coz, they come along since the beginning.

We enjoyed our experiences. Time went by, finally. Being a doctorate student in Australia was very challenging experience. Writing a scientific paper and presenting it in an international conference is a must. Within my initial research project, one year later, I produced a paper and presented it in the Second International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2003) in Melbourne at 18-20 August 2003. Please obtain the copy here paper_icwl03-original.pdf

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I am a leacturer at Yogakarta State University